The Tolerance Induction Program™ (TIP) is available for qualifying patients aged 18 months to 25 years, including those with pre-existing conditions like eczema, asthma, EOE, or those with multiple and severe food allergies. TIP has even successfully treated patients with 20+ allergens!
The Tolerance Induction Program™ (TIP) empowers patients to lead non-allergic lives through highly personalized, data-driven treatment plans. Prioritizing safety, TIP starts by building tolerance with similar food proteins to desensitize the immune system before introducing allergens.
"Graduation day was today!!! Biggest moment of Jonah’s life. Watching him walk through, high fiving the staff while they cheered, and seeing his huge smile holding his food freedom sign. Then this afternoon watching him eat a gigantic chocolate chip cookie dessert with vanilla ice cream, Nutella, and whip cream was the “icing on the cake”! Top all of that with a trip to Universal Studios eating anything and everything he wanted to eat!"
"Our most recent visit to FAI came with the news that Ava has been cleared for cross-contact for all of her allergens. It has opened up so many new foods to try, made daily life and travel a million times easier and dining out/social events finally feel FUN. We've been doing our best to make up for lost time :)"
"He gets to go trick or treating for the first time and can collect all the candy. I don't have to worry about any accidental reactions or accidental exposures. I'm so excited to give him opportunities that he's missed out on when he was younger."
We accept most PPOs* from the following carriers:
Our treatment centers are located in Long Beach and Vista, California. Over half of our patients travel from out of state or internationally. While most treatment occurs at home, patients must attend 4-6 in-person appointments annually as part of their personalized plan. If you're visiting from out of town, check out our travel guide for tips on accommodations, allergy-friendly dining, and local attractions to enhance your stay.
TIP treats patients within the age range of 18 months to 25 years, with a consistent success rate across all ages. The program treats patients with pre-existing medical conditions such as EoE, FPIES, MCAS, and asthma. Those under 18 months can still enroll by filling out the enrollment form and will be queued when they meet the minimum age requirement. Additionally, patients over 25 years old can submit the enrollment form and will be informed if the program opens to their age group or may be referred to the LAHA Medical Group.
Our Southern California (Long Beach & Vista CA) clinics conduct all onboarding, launch and food challenge visits in person, ensuring that patients receive direct, hands-on care. Our program is specifically tailored to meet the needs of families who travel, welcoming patients from different parts of the country to international patients from around the globe.
The Tolerance Induction Program (TIP) treats all major food allergies in a comprehensive manner, recognizing their interrelated nature is a crucial role in successful treatment. We offer secure, sustainable and successful treatment to all patients with food allergies regardless of the severity or number of a patient’s allergens. TIP is able to treat those with pre-existing medical conditions such as EoE, FPIES, MCAS, asthma.
There are a number of factors that determine the length of treatment. Age, severity of allergens, type of allergen, family history, health history, etc. All must be considered when designing the patient’s unique protocol. The length of treatment will vary based on each patient’s individual plan. At the end of the second visit, you will have a clear idea of how long your treatment length will be. Generally, the average treatment timeline is 2.5 – 4 years.